Alternative lucrative ventures for health professionals part one ( 1)



As  health professionals  in various departments,  Do you think our creativity/abilities is/are limited or liberated with the  current situation of things in our  Country. 

what lucrative or private ventures can one do with or without his/her Certificate .


 Dr J: Babalawo

 Dr M : Politician eg Ngige
Pastor eg Paul Enenche

Pharm B: can go  into medical fencing and wiring….🌚

Pharm E: Richard card selling🤒

Pharm L : Lucrative venture is kind of  limited in Nigeria sha.  But I’d suggest some of these may/may not be helpful

1. A health blog or vlog  like a YouTube channel or something

2. Try starting a health restaurant basically a restaurant for health foods, fruits etc. Here you do involve a dietician

Others you can organise

1. Health webinars 

2. Health TV shows eg  Dr 90210 and Co. 

3. Organize health forums adding premium 

4. Create a health guide book like emdex etc.

5 join ogboni

Dr A: Join politics


Rural medical practice

Own ur own pOnzi scheme

Start a church

 Anonymous :Lay ur certificate on the altar(sacrifice) & follow Jesus🙏

Rad chuks: There are so many lucrative and private ventures one can embark upon without one’s certificate. It all depends on the start up capital available at the moment. 
Below are few of them suggestive of me…
. Pure water production

. Laundry and dry cleaning services can be an addendum to an existing venture.

. Hotel/Estate Management… Me,  I’m going to embark on estate mgt. 

. Transport Business. You can as well create employment with this, while the driver earns d money for you.
All these things can be achieved in a bigger way in as much as you can start them on a low scale

Dr C: Actually I am opening my church soon hope you guys will come 😎

Dr A: Start a militant group (amnesty money big)

Dr k: There are doctors who are civil servants, working in Government Ministries, Agencies and Parastatals. 
Besides, an individual’s gifts/talents is vital. I know colleagues that have created wealth and sources of employment outside the medical field. 
I believe that God endowed everyone with unique abilities. When you discover and harness them, money will be the least of your worries. 

Dr A : The current situation in Nigeria demands you have  an added skill…


Events mgt(very lucrative) 

Makeup(guys shud see a market there)

 Having a degree like yours and going into some of this stuff gives you an added advantage

Dr A: There are doctors that are photographers…and it’s lucrative
Nowadays, we hear about lotta ‘make money quick’ ventures, that are in infact no different from *’ponzi schemes’
1. Look into cryptocurrency

2. Learn fashion designing and come up with your brand

3. Printing press is nice 

4. Participating or holding seminars or workshops is nice too, and you will make your money if you can link the right companies 

5. Politics:😍😘 I’m most likely gonna drop my stethoscope  if I get a slot for say Senator or Honourable

These are suggestions by some of us but does it really mean that as a medical practitioner one becomes handicapped by following the norms of our different associations. 

Are there any health proffessionals who are willing to break the norms and diversify?

Do we any  have medicalprenuers in Nigeria?

Do we have people who are  willing to change the face of the health system in Nigeria. 

Do we have persons who will not be frustrated by the health system but would  leave ponzi schemes and decide to ponzify their lives in the health profession. 

If yes join us every friday on medicpreneurs. Our voice our thoughts. 



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