During suckling the baby compresses the areola of the breast with his or her gum to stimulate another oxytocin which make muscle around the cells, around the milk gland contract and the size of the milk duct to increase to let down milk to the nipple. The human milk contains calcium (297mg), phosphorus (150mg), potassium(550mg), chlorine(385mg), magnesium(23mg), sulphur (140mg), Iron(0.56-0.3mg), Iodine(30mg), manganese(5.9-4.0µg), copper(0.6-0.25 µg),zinc (4-5µg), selenium(20 µg) and floride (0.05 mg). iron, zinc,coper and manganese content decrease from two weeks to five or nine months as the baby rate of growth and nutrient needs decreases as scientist pipes describes it. The iron stores of a child depletes by four to six months of age when the child doubles his or her birth weight. This partly explains the reasons why solid food should be introduced about six months of age. A new mum has the natural tendency to breast feed once a baby is born. She however need the care and support of the family especially husband. There are some steps that are necessary in order to successfully breastfeed a child: If all is well with the mother and child, the mother should not be separated from her baby because the babies presence stimulates the let-down reflex and makes feeding easy. Nipple and breast should be checked to know if there are normal, you could possibly start at the last trimester. Breast and nipple should be thoroughly cleaned with warm clean water and cotton wool or clean towel. You can also massage the nipple vaseline to keep the skin elastic. Put the baby to breast as soon as possible after delivery to suckle each breast for a few minutes at a time in order to suckle the first milk known as colostrum. Breast feeding as soon as possible encourages milk production, Make sure the baby latches on the nipple and aerola (the dark area around nipple and not on the nipple alone). Offer both breast at each feeding starting with one breast until the milk is finished. It is best to empty the breast before and begin with the other breast at next feeding Feeding should continue until the baby stop suckling, is inattentive or turns his head away. Slide a finger between the baby’s mouth and your breast to release the suction and gently detach the baby without pain from the breast. Allow breast to dry naturally after feeding. Rest baby on your shoulder or face down on your lap and pat the baby gently on the back to wind(belch or gas out air). Baby should sleep nearby to make night feeding convenient and help maintain a good milk supply. Breast milk can be expressed into a clean cup and store at room temperature if it will be used within six hours or otherwise refrigerate. Do not mix-feed (breast and formular) because it dulls the babies appetite. Breast feeding should continue until the baby is six months of age before the introduction of complementary food. SUGGESTED FEEDING INTERVALS FOR BREAST FEEDING A BABY (0-12 MONTHS OF AGE) An exclusive breast fed child feeds on demand but where he or she fails to show sign of hunger by crying, the following format can be use to feed the baby. 1-3 hour when 0-3months old
2-4 hours when 4-5months 3-4 hours when 6-8months 4-5hours when 9-12months BREAST FEEDING POSITIONS Feed when and where you like and in a position that you and the baby find comfortable. No position is actually a proper position. Your position could change at each feeding. Cradle position is the traditional breastfeeding position. Cross cradle is good for babies who find it hard to latch on the breast. Clutch or football hold is usually used when the mother under goes caesarean delivery. Reclining position is usually used when one is tired after delivery and caesarean delivery. SIGNS TO SHOW IF A MOTHER IS NURSING A CHILD CORRECTLY Regular swallowing of milk Rhythmic suckling The nipple relaxes after a few suckles The child’s mouth should be wide open with the lips curled out. He or she latches at the breast properly with most of the areola inside the mouth SIGNS OF INCORRECT BREASTFEEDING Irregular swallowing of milk. The child’s head not being in line with the body. The child latches partially and only suckling on the nipple. Faltering suckling of milk
Breastfeeding For New Moms
Every newly married woman anticipates for a baby such that on the arrival of the new born baby, they try to think of what to do and what not to do, they think of how to perfectly take good care of the baby from feeding to their diapers. Breastfeeding under normal condition is the natural method of feeding a free living infant from birth to the time he or she can eat adult food. Production of milk in woman breast is usually ready within 16 – 20 weeks into pregnancy.