Monday Motivation


I am so thrilled to have this come your way.

It’s time to shoot for the top, it doesn’t matter how old you,how young you are,if you set your mind on anything & work for it, then you will get it.
Your life is too Big to allow yourself Play too small. If we are going to be at the top, we have to work on ourselves. Enough of the talkings, feelings, complains & stories, it’s time to act.

Decide on who you want to be & commit yourself to being it. It’s time for us to discipline ourselves to achieve our Dreams. You are the only one who can change your life. It’s time to Work hard, Grind hard, & Put in the Work,in doing this, your Ideas & dreams becomes a reality. Build success habits and rituals.

How many hours do you sleep? How many hours do you spend on social media? How many hours do you spend on developing yourself? How old are you? What are you tolerating? What can you offer? What is your network like?

A lot of us today think its going to come easy, no way, it’s going to be tough & challenging. Stop playing too low, too safe & go all out for your Dream, for the life you want. If you want to be great, then you have got to be obsessed about your Dreams.

Stop playing too low, stop being too safe. Take that risk & work into your Dream with patience & work. It is more honorable to try & fail than not to try. It’s possible to live your Dream, its your responsibility to do that. Ideation without execution is delusion. “Everyday I tell myself doing training sessions, I rather suffer Now & live the rest of my life like a Champion”- M. Ali
Always question the impossible!!!

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