My Internship Story as a motivation


I guess God use the internship hussle experience to teach me certain things about myself and life

Now I will share my testimony of how I thought I’ve got it all planned and aligned thinking I’ve got the resources, connection and influence to those things I’ve planned for.

But God as the all knowing said ‘Son that has not been my plan for you, I’m taking you that direction not where you’ve headed for.

Even when I struggle and make effort to go with my plan..

He will just laugh at me, saying you are going my direction not yours.

Follow my testimony!!

My testimony

Before I left school, I have planned where I wanted to do my internship either Chevron or Military Hospital, like I said I thought I had the connection, I knew one of the top official in Chevron and of course My Dad’s friend was at that time the Number one man in AMLSN and he was ready to help me, waiting for my license..

Secondly, at least I had some faith in myself that if it to write most internship exams, I would come out one of top ten not to boast.

Combining those two advantages, I had some degree of assurance that I would get either of the two places. Meanwhile, God just sat on his throne laughing me as I make my plans.

On d 21st March 2017, I was inducted, August, Chevron’s interview came up and it was a work over for me and I’m sure it was for most of my school colleagues present… Lo and behold, I got my first disappointment as Chevron didn’t work out for me. I felt down, but I was quick to cheer up as I was still expecting Military.

As I await Military Hospital, I meet another key man in our profession at a national level, he encouraged me to apply at University of Ilorin Teaching hospital that he was ready to support me and influence it.

Obediently, I did pick the form, wrote their exam but I narrowly missed it, so sad that I saw the list d next day decision has been reached.. Still I held on strong pushing for my name to be added. By now u wud admit I’m a fighter never giving up.

While waiting for Ilorin to officially publish the list and hoping my name could be added. October, I stumbled on intern placement into Bowen University Teaching Hospital at Ogbomoso on a WhatsApp group, hearing about how low their pay was, I was reluctant to apply.

But I eventually did some days to closure.. But this time I told myself I was not gonna bother anyone or try to influence it. As it was really not wat I wanted.
As usual, I wrote the exam, was shortlisted for Oral interview, did that also.. Then we were told to go and be expecting.

Within the last few days in October, I got a call from Bowen hospital asking me to resume by November. I was angry within myself, kept it to myself for a day, till I told Dad and he encouraged me to go and start as timing is no longer on my side.

While at Bowen, I was always having the feeling that I won’t be staying long, and along the line it happened. Lautech Teaching Hospital is a neighboring hospital to Bowen. I was occasionally sent on errands to the Laboratory department of LTH.

That particularly day, one of their senior scientist came to BUTH lab as usually and I eavesdropped from him that they have been battling with their management for years to employ interns buh it was not forth coming.
Something sprung within me to meet the man afterwards and he told me to go see the ADMLS with the look of discouragement of his face.

I didn’t let the expression on his face get to me and with strong faith I made photocopies of my credentials with an application letter and I set to approach the ADMLS.

On meeting the motherly ADMLS, we engaged in conversation and she told me how futile their move has been on the issue of internship with documents to back it.. As motherly as she was, She took my credentials, immediately put a phone call across to the CMAC and asked me to go drop my credentials at his office.

At the CMAC’s office, Even ordinary Secretary would not accept my credentials, saying their was no advert to that effect. Immediately, I called the loving ADMLS and she instructed them to Open a file for MLS internship application that she has had d conversation with The CMD and CMAC.

Whaoh! Favour and faith at work… Alas for my sake, vacancy was opened. So from March, I do come around to see the ADMLS and we talk on the way forward. I would also loyally go errands for her like buy moimoi for her😁 do office work for her before leaving.

Thanks to God for using the ADMLS. An official Advert was published by April.. Stating the payment details and job description. Then I knew God was at work. The wonderful ADMLS called me to commence preparation for d exam both written and Oral and to get my money ready to purchase their form on the day of the interview.
Devil popped up, few days to the interview, I was broke, yea I mean totally broke.. And I almost gave up on the interview… But Sct. Gabriel encouraged me and I prayed.

Less than 2days… I was having enough to get my form and even pay for another person. I went for the interview, with God I performed well and was set for oral interview.

*A confirmation that God was at work for my sake*

M.L.S. Intern seekers were the highest more than 40. And just few of us were already licensed.. Majority were Students of Lautech awaiting induction. And just 4 of us will be considered at that moment. though we were not informed.

After that day we returned to our various places. I never called the ADMLS or try to influence the process. Infact, on waiting for a two weeks after, I went to Ibadan to apply at HMB Oyo. On getting to Ibadan I was denied their form, was just trying to call people that would influence the Director to give me the form when a call came in and guess what.

I was called from Lautech to come pick up the appointment letter.. Without stress, he has perfected his work. Still when I tell people that It’s God they still think I don’t know what I’m saying or I’m trying to hide the truth from them.
They wonder how I could have gotten two placement in this country if not influence.

My Conclusion

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ You are expectant, waiting on God for something that seems not forth coming… Hey! Never Give up!

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ We humans consider timing and measuring up with others, have you considered God’s timing and you thought of God’s planning for you.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ If what you actually expecting God to do, is what he consider best for you then it all happen, give it time.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Pls humility and loyalty has it at times, even the bible in the book of James 4vs10 admits it..but be smart with ur loyalty and humility.

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Please engage yourself, make plans. We seek God’s face each day to know what he has in stock for us, but we must not stay idle and and work goes along with each other.

I pray God will reach out to you and it will never be too late for you.




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