For those preparing for NAFDAC interview:
Hello guys, some people have been calling to find out the nature of NAFDAC interview questions…. well the last interview was the first interview ever conducted in a long while and for those that wrote in Abuja, it was marked immediately before our eyes and d results were pasted so it was very very transparent. We had 20 random obj questions not necessarily pharmacology but general Pharmacy knowledge. I tried to get some interns to remember some of the questions just so that u guys can at least have an idea…some of them include
-Reasons for internship program
– pharmacovigillance, NAFDAC DG, Functions of NAFDAC, regulatory bodies in Nigeria
– extemporaneous preparations and dosage forms
-There was also a question on ED50
“Another term for “triturate”
-even the age bracket for neonates
Antimicrobial resistance
Multi drug resistance
pharmaceutical equivalents
-different units of weight:ounce, pound, metrics etc
Well these are few I could gather, remember, the questions could be harder since more people probably applied this time because there’ll be exams so just prepare generally.
It’a a PDF called Appleton. Some of the questions set came from Pharmacy, pharmacology and clinical pharmacy sections. Don’t wasteu your time on other irrelevant parts like pharmaceutical calculations
My colleague and I checked through the PDF for the questions they set for us from the PDF. We used the keywords: ‘neonate’, ‘pharmaceutical equivalent’, ‘metric’, ‘nano’