HMB,Owerri internship exam is on Tuesday (02/05/2017)
Come with HB pencil & eraser
Lateness won’t be tolerated at all…
They hardly publicize their adverts and it’s usually for the connected ones and the depts involved are usually Hos and medlab urhm we are not sure of Pharm dept but you can still confirm
- Some intern radiographers/Medical Imaging Scientists are passing out next month at AKTH thanks to rad Felix but you still need connect ,we were surprised to hear that they conducted interview for Houseofficers early this year and some persons are still waiting for their interview.
- Fmc Yenagoa are likely to conduct their exams next week 8th – 12th for HOs, MLS, Optoms and Pharms. Although no official msg has been sent out yet* better to be prepared