Breaking News!
Management wish to announce to concerned members of the public that Interview for intern pharmacists, dietetics and medical laboratory scientists will be conducted on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd November 2016. and
This is to inform all Pupil Pharmacist that applied for internship placement in Juth that your Pharmacy interview date is slated for 1st of November,2016.
The HOD of Pharmacy in Juth just communicated the information to us, not quite long .
Don’t hesitate to start immediate preparations.I will suggest you don’t have to wait till the text message arrives before you commence intensive preparations.
Please copy and paste this information to everyone who has applied in Juth. I wish you best of luck and Godspeed.
AOCs for pharmacists.
Please refreshed your minds in these areas over and over again.
1.HIV/PMTCT…(Know the various classes of antiretrovials, and their sunglasses with examples.)
2.Antibiotic Classification. (All the antibiotics and their classes should be registered on your finger tip with their examples)
3.Compounding/Dispensing/PCT Practicals or Calculation.(You will see lots of questions in this area. Please pick up your PCT Practical textbook and refreshed your mind is this area.)
4.Disease conditions and their co-morbid conditions such as Malaria, Hypertension,Diabetes,Tuberculosis e.t.c.
5.Basic Pharmaceutical Care questions.
6.Don’t read current affairs.
7.Don’t read history of Juth and It’s managerial levels.
8.The exam is 50questions for 20minutes. For all options, You will be required to tick True or False.
9.Refreshen your minds with Anticancer drugs
There isn’t any oral interview. They check your credentials and documents. Specifically, Your Provisional license, Oat Form and School Result. That’s what they cross check to confirm If you are actually a Pharmacist.They don’t have time to start asking questions.
Source :Pharm gregory.
Nb: All interns usually write on the same day.So we think its the same date for all interns and not necessarily only pharmacy dept but be prepared.