A Treasure.(Dedicated to a friend)


A Treasure.
(Dedicated to a friend)
There exists a treasure
More precious than the diamond
And of priceless worth
Furled in clandestine of beauty
Dwelling in ocean of hush
Pure in heart like honey
Glowing and soothing
Like the sun at dusk
Just making berth on the horizon
Ronke lovely prefixed with Ade is her name….Aderonke
A rare gem
That my ink’s been craving for since
To scribble this rarity on paper
And make a post on my wall
Even if my writing ink
Remains just a single drop
It will write for you
Heralding the naivety
Of your heart
That never bears
An atom of grudges
A n unusual friend
Standing distinct among friends
A sibling sister
From another mother
Much more than blood ties
I realised
The “no need” to be from the same background
Before becoming blood related
Friendship could be elated to such
And even of stronger strength.
Her heart pristine and solicitous
Placating tremulous souls
And trembling minds
That trudge her way
With her soft and tender words
That blows like wind
Uprooting the tree of restlessness
And peg a permanent post
With a large placard
Of “tranquil henceforth”
In the mind of the perturbed minds.
A candelabrum to many
In the stench darkness
Of bereavement
Not minding in giving up
Her dear possessions
To bring smiles
To every face in doldrums.
Her business prowess awes
A Tactical and savvy creature
Displaying in peak, astuteness
Of incomparable level.
Ravenous for success
Taking the slightest moment and opportunity
In transforming
something Into something.
I must have offended nature
To have denied me
This precious privilege
Of coming your way
Or vice versa
Of being in your company,
Of being part of my story
Years before the last.
However, it’s never late
To be around you
Cancelling the those times denial
And be here on full course.
There are friends
And there are “Friends”
Depending on how they present,
friends are many
But “Friends” of rare specialties
Are in decimal
Friends that come
To occupy the upper place
On your list
With the shortest time
And unimagined rate
To relegate some friend
Aderonke is more than such.
In no time, got knowing each other
Than some friends of decades
Filling a substantial part of my life
As if there existed vacuum before.
I can tell you how it feels
I can tell you!
To know that someone
Somewhere behind your knowledge
Is concerned about you
Cares about your life
Wanting to give aids,
She is such a rare treasure.
Oh my Creator, I besiege you
For your mercy and protection
And of Your unending blessings
Over this uncommon sister
From now till eternity.
A. T. Akinloye


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