Electronic Parcel service

To use our parcel service please adhere strictly to the requirements stated on our blog and submit all the requisite documents so that we can serve you better.


The administrators of this noble group are not agents or middle men. We do not promise or collect monetary grants to facilitate internship placement. We do not have any formal relationship with managements of Nigerian hospitals. We are only but medical and health scence graduates who share information that will be beneficial to all our members. We only pool aspiring applicants together while they make a token contribution so that one person can travel and submit the documents. This way we save money from expensive travel, avoid non essential long distance travel, reduce stress to the bearest minimum.

The Nigerian prospective medical interns group is a voluntary group made up primarily of graduates of medicine and health science throughout Nigeria and abroad. It is a platform set aside for graduates seeking for a mandatory one year internship or housemanship at the various Nigerian hospitals. More information see: http://nigerianmedinterns.com/aboutus/

Documents required for internship application includes :

Two(2) recent passport photograph(not complusory depends on the hospital)

Handwritten or typed application letter properly adressed to the CMD of the intending hospital (Please sign your letter before sending to us)

Application form(depends on the hospital)

Birth certificate/ Sworn Affidavit of Age/or Age declaration/ National Population commission certificate(not mandatory but neccessary)

-First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC)


-Degree Certificate(compulsory)

-Current Practicing Licence/ Evidence of Provisional License /or Oath(compulsory)

-Registration with Council(compulsory)

-Three Referees
(a)Traditional ruler
(b) Clergy
(c) Civil servant

-Local Government Certificate of Origin

All enquires and correspondence should be adressed by mail to


Endeavour to send us a scanned documents to ensure clear printing of your documents. Please do not send us a photograph copy of your documents or use a mobile application like camscanner to capture your documents. If you send a photographed documents, we will print it like that and submit but be rest assured that we cannot be held liable if your documents are rejected on that account.

With Nigerian Prospective Medical interns eparcel service your internship application is safe, sure and delivered seemlessly without you travelling great distances. We have been doing this since 2015 and there has never been a cause for alarm.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]